School District Rolls Out New Emotional Learning Curriculum for Elementary Students

School District Rolls Out New Emotional Learning Curriculum for Elementary Students
Caspian Wexler Aug, 15 2023

The Brave New Era of Emotional Learning

Once upon a time, emotions in a typical school environment were only expected to be exhibited during annual plays and the end-of-year exams. Well, friends, those days are behind us. I’m proud to announce that our local school district has carefully considered those old chestnuts and has just released a shiny new rollout. It’s a brand-new Emotional Learning Curriculum targeted for our charmingly tiny tykes, the elementary school students.

Can I say how much I am thrilled? Probably not, because English doesn't have the proper words to express this level of excitement. Imagine Baxter, my rambunctious Beagle, seeing his favorite treat falling from the sky - sounds crazy, right? And for those thinking, "write my essay for me" on this topic, hold on! That's pretty much the picture of me right now. Let's get down to the ins and outs of this ground-breaking curriculum and shake some ideas around.

Demystifying Emotional Learning

Remember those classes where we were taught how numerals work and how the Earth orbits the Sun? Now, elementary students would learn how emotions work and how they orbit our daily lives. Enthralling. Emotional learning revolves around recognizing, understanding, behavior management, and applying appropriate emotions. It’s like teaching kids the ABCs of the heart, as well as the mind.

Hello Baxter, hello Penny, my Maine coon. I can see them wagging their tails (or just wiggling, in Penny's case). They seem to be as thrilled as I am about this news. If my pets could attend school, they’d love this class already! As a blogger and someone who lives half their life in the realm of words, I cannot emphasize enough the profound impact of this curriculum.

Why the Urgency on Emotional Learning

Now, let’s clarify why our school district desperately needed this curriculum. If we look into the research, we would see that emotional health substantially impacts academic success. Conducting an orchestra of emotions is as necessary as learning fractions, and I'm not exaggerating. Kind of like managing the commotion when I accidentally rattle the bin of dog treats while Penny is sleeping on the sofa- urgency and emotion management, all in one!

Previously, all cognitive learning and IQ were hailed as prime indicators of a child’s success, but folks, we’re seeing a paradigm shift. More and more studies show that emotional intelligence is becoming an equally important, if not a more critical, measure of success. But don’t take my word for it; do a little internet sleuthing yourself. It's all there, plain as day.

Breaking Down the New Emotional Learning Curriculum

So what’s included in this exciting new curriculum being rolled out? Picture this; it's like a toolbox. Instead of having hammers and screwdrivers, it's filled with empathy, resilience, self-awareness, social awareness, and mood management tools.

Remember when Baxter chewed up my favorite sneakers, and I had to manage my frustration? Kids are being equipped to handle these types of emotional situations, but instead of chewed sneakers, it might be a broken toy, a lost race, or calculus (hey, we’ll all be there someday).

How Parents Can Be Involved

Parents hold the keys to the castle to aid children in emotional learning. Remember your first fall from a bike and how your parents swooped down, examined the minor scratch, and explained it was all part of learning? That’s emotional learning right there!

So start the dialogue at home, infuse empathy in conversations, mirror positivity, demonstrate resilience, and most importantly, explore the world of emotions with your little knights and princesses. Funny but true story, I once explained Baxter's tail-wagging to my niece as his way of expressing happiness. You can be sure she remembers it every time she greets Baxter.

The Teachers’ Role in Emotional Learning

The orchestra conductor in this emotional symphony is, of course, the teacher. The teacher incorporates these lessons into daily activities, subtly guiding the kids toward a better emotional understanding. Just as Penny purrs around my ankles whenever I’m home, providing comfort and companionship, teachers need to create that safe space within classrooms for emotional learning to thrive.

The Impact of Emotional Learning on Society

Why should we care about emotional learning and its place in the curriculum? You ask as if it’s any less important than teaching the alphabet. Imagine a community where adults are skilled at managing their emotions, showing empathy, and maintaining positive relationships. Pretty impressive, right?

Now picture how things would change if we start this journey right from the elementary level. My current mind picture? Baxter and Penny live harmoniously without the occasional territorial squabble over their favorite spot on the sofá. Both have their areas of strength; Baxter with his adorable excitement, Penny with her calm, collected judgment. If they were kids, both could benefit from an emotional learning curriculum, just like our actual human kids.

In a Nutshell

Wow! Wasn't that a journey? From understanding Emotional Learning to its applications, we wrapped it all. Don't forget that it's all about improving our kids' lives on all fronts. As a true Wellingtonian, I'm beaming with pride at this progressive step taken by our school district.

On an ending note, if anyone tells you that emotions have no place in the learning process, point them toward this brand-new Emotional Learning Curriculum for elementary students. Maybe even stick out your tongue and give a playful, "Told you so!" because, you know, we're all about that emotional expression here.